PolysacDB Exopolysaccharide 2341

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[edit] Carbohydrate Name


[edit] Carbohydrate Class


[edit] Source Microbe

Shewanella colweliana

[edit] Basic Structure

The EPS is composed of mannose, glucose, galactose, and pyruvate in a 1:2:2:4 molar ratio. Molecular weight analysis by gel filtration demonstrates that the EPS is polydispersive and composed of a major high-molecularweight species and lesser amounts of smaller molecularweight species

[edit] Proposed functions


[edit] Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies

Whole cells

[edit] Carrier Name


[edit] Conjugation Method


[edit] Antibodies

Mab Aco3

[edit] Antibody type and class


[edit] Assay System

ELISA, Immunofluorescence and immunoblotting

[edit] Cross-reactivity

This Mab cross-reacted with the closely related species S. benthica

[edit] Proposed epitopes

This EPS epitope was sensitive to cleavage of ester bonds, but neither pyruvate, acetate, nor terminal nonreducing sugars were required for antigenicity

[edit] Proposed Utility

This Mab can be used to quantitate the synthesis and probe the function of S. colwelliana EPS

[edit] Weblink


[edit] External Links