List of Mtu strains available in UniProt

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Circular cladogram of Actinobacteria showing also some Mtu strains
Circular cladogram of Actinobacteria showing also some Mtu strains
Phylogram of Actinobacteria showing also some Mtu strains
Phylogram of Actinobacteria showing also some Mtu strains

This list is manually generated. There is no way to get all of the HAMAP links through a single search.

Are there other strains of Mtu in UniProt we should be aware of?

So, it looks that the only complete proteome that has also gotten some review is the H37Ra strain (MYCTA). Strain F11 is reviewed but incomplete, and strain MDR is complete but unreviewed. Also, there is no way to search for Sanger sequences, as the taxonomy number is the general Mtu one. Do you disagree?

Minor addition: there are also 13 sequences of strain H37Rv and 4 of subsp. tuberculosis.