CarboDB Capsular polysaccharide 2642
From DrugPedia: A Wikipedia for Drug discovery
Carbohydrate Name
Capsular polysaccharide
Carbohydrate Class
Capsular polysaccharide
Source Microbe
Cryptococcus neoformans Serotype D
Basic Structure
This polysaccharide is a high m.w. polymer with a linear α-(1-->3)-linked mannose backbone that is substituted with non-reducing D-xyIosyal and D-glucosyluronic acid groups. O-Acetylation varies with the serotype. Type D is the most heavily O-acetylated
Proposed functions
Antiphagocytic ; an important virulence factor
Antigenic Nature used to produce antibodies
Carrier Name
Methylated bovine serum albumin
Conjugation Method
A saline solution containing 500 pg of cryptococcal polysaccharide was mixed with 500 pg aqueous methylated bovine serum albumin. The volume was brought to 2 ml with sterile distilled water
Antibody type and class
Assay System
Antiserum to untreated cryptococcal polysaccharide was enriched for O-acetyl and carboxyl specific antibody respectively. The antisera was then used in ouchterlony double diffusion.
Proposed epitopes
Proposed Utility
O-acetyl and carboxyl groups are strong and distinct physicochemical determinants on cryptococcal polysaccharide. The enriched antiserum displayed a level of opsonic activity that was similar to non-enriched antiserum. This showed that neither O-acetyl nor carboxyl groups were responsible for inhibition of phagocytosis by cryptococcal polysaccharide