Awards and Honors in Scientific field in India

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There are a number of Awards, Honors that are given to Scientists time to time, who have done something remarkable good in their field of Research. There are a number of Central Agencies like CSIR, ICMR, DBT that gives these awards. One of the most prestigious award is  :-


ShantiSwarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Award

The Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar (SSB) Prizes are awarded annually by the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) for notable and outstanding research, applied or fundamental, in Biological, Chemical, Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and Planetary, Engineering, Mathematical, Medical and Physical Sciences. The purpose of the prize is to recognize outstanding Indian work in science and technology. The award is named after the founder Director of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar and is known as the Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology.

Any citizen of India engaged in research in any field of science and technology up to the age of 45 years is eligible for the Prize. The Prize is awarded on the basis of contributions made through work done primarily in India during the five years preceding the year of the Prize. The SSB Prize comprising a citation, a plaque and a cash award of Rupees two lakh (Rs. 200,000).

CSIR Young Scientists Awards

These awards are given for outstanding contributions made by young CSIR scientists based on work done primarily in India. It comprises a citation, a plaque and a cash prize of Rs. 50,000/-. The award also carries a grant of Rs. 10 lakh spread over five years for pursuing a research project independently.

CSIR Technology Awards

The CSIR Technology Awards, comprising Technology Shields and Technology Prizes were instituted in 1990 to foster and encourage multidisciplinary in-house team efforts and external interaction for technology development, transfer, marketing and commercialization. While the Technology Shield comprises a prestigious rolling shield, a citation, a plaque and a grant of Rs. 30 lakh for a specific project, the Technology Prize comprises a citation, a plaque and a cash award of Rs. 2 lakh.


Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) is the premier Industrial R&D Organisation in India. On the occasion of its Diamond Jubilee in 2002, CSIR initiated Invention Awards for school children to create awareness, interest and motivation for Intellectual Property amongst children.

There are all 60 prizes, Besides a certificate, the cash awards are :

Table I Cash Awards
Prize Number of Awardees Prize Money
First Prize1 Rs.50,000/-
Second Prize2 Rs.25,000/- each
Thrid Prize3 Rs.15,000/- each
Fourth Prize4 Rs.10,000/- each
Fifth Prize50 Rs.5,000/- each

CSIR Diamond Jubilee Technology Award

The award is to encourage scientists, engineers and technologists to develop innovative technologies and products that are amongst the best in the world and enhance India's image. Technologies leading to commercially successful products, processes and services, which give India a sustainable competitive advantage, are considered for the award. Besides the technological innovation must simultaneously help broaden interactions among acadmic, R&D and financial institution and industry and commercial sectors, and provide newer vehicle for commercialization.

The Award is intented for scientific discovery or technological innovations, which have reached the market place. it is given annually to a technology that is developed in the country by Indian innovators and meets the highest global standards.

The Award consists of a cash prize of Rs. 10 lakh, a citation and a plaque.

please Visit CSIR site to get complete information about the various awards given by CSIR.

Awards given by ICMR

1. Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Centenary Award for excellence in biomedical research

Award Carries

i) Cash award : Rs.1,00,000

ii) Certificate of honour

Eligibility : Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centenary Award for excellence in biomedical research was instituted in the year 1991-92 as part of the Dr. Ambedkar Birth Centenary Celebrations. It is awarded to a scientist for excellence in any field of biomedical research.

Criteria : The excellence of work should be evidenced by scientific publications in internationally recognized journals and contributions to advancement of knowledge and/or improvements in medical practices, health programmes etc. Category : This Award is open to all age groups. Direct applications are not accepted for this award. Nominations only by certain identified categories of people are considered. The award will be given for the years 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013. Instituted by ICMR in the year 1991-92 as part of the Dr. Ambedkar Birth Centenary Celebrations

2.Drs Kunti & Om Prakash Oration Award

Award Carries

i) Cash award : Rs.1,00,000

ii) Certificate of honour

iii) Gold medal

Eligibility : This award is conferred on a scientist for excellence achieved in the field of Biomedical Sciences.

Criteria: The research work conducted should have had a major impact on healthcare, thereby significantly contributing towards the advancement of knowledge and/or improvement in medical practices and national/international health programmes. Category The award will be given to a scientist for carrying out majority of research work in India.

The subject areas for the following years are as follows: Year Subject Area 2004 : Infectious Diseases 2006 : Non-communicable Diseases 2008 : Clinical Research 2010 : Basic Sciences 2012 : Reproductive Health

3.Dr.Prem Nath Wahi Award

Award Carries

i) Cash award : Rs.1,00,000

ii) Certificate of honour

Eligibility : It is an award for significant contributions made by a scientist in the field of Basic and/or Clinical Cytology and/or Preventive Oncology.

Criteria : The work carried out over a period of time should contribute towards the understanding of the basic research related to the prevention/cure of cancer. Award will be given for the years: 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013.

For the various other awards given bye ICMR , please visit ICMR site.

Awards given by DBT (Department of Biotechnology)


The Department of Biotechnology has instituted the 'Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award' (IYBA) in the year 2005. This is an attractive, career oriented scheme to identify and nurture outstanding young scientists with innovative ideas and desirous of pursuing research in frontier areas of biotechnology. The young scientists below the age of 35 years are considered for this award. The scientists without regular employment are also eligible for this award. The award consists of financial support for a project besides a fellowship of Rs.25, 000/- per month for those awardees who are not in regular employment. The awardees those are not in the regular employment can be attached to a senior scientist (Mentor) in a University, Research Institute, Medical/Agriculture/ Veterinary College, or any other institute of repute, provided the mentor agrees to provide laboratory space and other facilities. It is expected that the awardees will work independently and the Mentor will facilitate the awardee's research efforts. Awardees having a regular employment will receive a cash award of Rs.1, 00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) every year during the course of the project.

For more information about the Award please visit DBT site.

2.Biotech Product & Process Development & Commercialization Awards

Objectives : Recognition of outstanding contributions of scientists / innovators / entrepreneurs/ Indian institutions & companies both in public as well as private sector for a new process, product development and commercialization of a technology or a product in the areas of biotechnology and biological sciences including agriculture, biomedical and environmental sciences.

Nature of the Award : Five awards would be given every year. Each award would carry a cash amount of Rs.1.00 lakh along with a citation.

Eligibility : The applicants should be a citizen of India, and Indian institution or an Indian company and be actively involved in the development of biotechnology processes and products and commercialization of technologies or product based on indigenous research.

3.Department of Biotechnology Guildlines for Distinguished Biotechnologist Award

The Scheme : In order to utilize the expertise of active superannuated scientists who have made outstanding research contributions in biotechnology and related fields, the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has instituted a scheme known as “Distinguished Biotechnologist Award Scheme”.

Objectives : The main aim of the scheme is to utilize the expertise of superannuated distinguished scientists, who are still scientifically active and capable of making significant research contributions in biological sciences, biotechnology and related fields promoted by DBT.

Details of the Award : Each Distinguished Biotechnologist would be entitled to a maximum amount equal to total emoluments at a basic pay of Rs. 26,000/- p.m. (basic pension & allowances, if any, will be adjusted as per Government of India rules). In addition, a contingency grant of Rs. 50,000 per annum would be provided for meeting expenditure of the awardee on secretarial assistance, telephone, domestic travel, stationery etc. The scientist would also be given a grant (not exceeding Rs 15 lakhs) for implementing a research project proposed by him/ her for the award over a period of three years. The project may be for bench level research, policy research relating to biotechnology education, innovation within relevant areas for providing mentorship/ leadership to a young group working on this area of biotechnology.

Please visit DBT site for more information about the award.


The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) invites nominations for National Bioscience Awards for Career Development: 2008 to be given to scientists who are currently engaged in basic and applied research in biosciences & biotechnology including biological, agricultural, medical, and environmental sciences and have made outstanding contributions in research with potential for application/ product and technology development. Each Award carries a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/- alongwith project research grant of Rs.9,00,000/-. The nominee must be a citizen of India including Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) and should be below the age of 45 years on December 31, 2008. The work for which nomination is made must have been carried out in India.